Tuesday, November 11, 2008

End of days?

As we enter into what may the final days of the American automobile,and the jobs that defined the term"middle class". Let's look at past occupations that were considered middle class jobs.

Grocery store employee: Back in the 60's and well into the late 70's working at Framer Jack, Great Scott, Chatem's,Kroger's or any other grocery store was just as good a job as today's UAW autoworker. Now wages are stopped at about 14.00 per hr, even at the best union stores. Not enough to raise a family on. Most these stores now employ large amounts of part time employee's to avoid paying benefits and to keep longtime employees scared of being replaced at any given time, which allot of them are when they reach the top wage level.

Gardener/Groundskeeper: This once well paying occupation is now regulated mostly to people who don't speak English. I always hear that this a job "That Americans don't want to do", well at half the wages, no it's not really an option to raise a family.

Custodian/Janitor: Mostly same as above, there are a few holdouts that make a living but not many.

Now 70 percent of Americans according MSNBC poll want the Fed to let the Big 3 go belly up. If they get there wish the last bastion of American middle class life will die with them. And the 2 million jobs that support it. And when there wage's go down even more, because our wages have been keeping theirs up to some extent for a very long time. And we become a nation the Havenot's serving the Have's. they will look back at the time when you could come out high school get a good job , get married and raise a family as the good old day's. When there standing in line at the neighborhood clinic hoping to get to front before the doctor goes home they will talk about how you used to be able to get a job with benefits and be able to go to your own doctor. They will fondly look back when a Mom could stay home and raise their kids, and not have them raised by underpaid and under trained day care workers.

It just boggles my mind how corporate America has convinced Americans that they have to give up their life style so that they can stay rich.

End NAFTA, support tarriffs on imported goods and produce, outlaw the pratice of hiring many part time employees to avoid paying beneifits aka Wal-Mart welfare employee's, if you want save the Middle Class.